Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Rediscovery of Love

So much of what our culture promotes as love, is actually not love, but desire. We desire "that" which we seek to possess. This is in fact to step out of love & into the delusion of attachment. This is our misplaced focus. (the meaning of Sin is, momentary misplaced focus)Desire only leads to attachment. It is fear itself in disguise. To live with someone in which we desire them, is to live with someone in constant state of fear. How? By fearing the loss of them. When we step into this, we are in fact, in ego. Our egos fears everything, therefore seeks to control our world we live. But control is also an another face of fear and is delusion. Even in this realization, it does not stop our ego from desiring control. It can only serve us in learning not to be fooled by our ego desires in the first place. Thus avoiding stepping back into it and forgetting our authentic selves. (that which is free from the delusion of ego)

The truth of the matter is, all we ever really have is our responsibility. That being our power to respond. Or not respond to something, which is also a response, within any given moment. How we choose to respond to any given situation is up to us. But through gaining enough awareness in self-reflection, we discover there is only two choices we ever have. To "react" out of fear in our delusion, or respond out of love in our clarity of authentic self. When we stop to take this all in, we can see how quickly we can fall into our delusion in any given moment. That being where our suffering begins. Learning to be compassion with ourselves as we grow into our awareness, is of vital importance. It means learning to leave the judge and the victim behind. The judgment of ourselves as being either good or bad, and the victim it creates to suffer in fear.

~We know we have mastered love when, the communion we share with others equals that of the wild finches. Who in our consistent presence of love, come to eat directly from our hands without fear.~

Be at peace my friends,


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