Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thought for the Day

Empty Mind
A still mind is one that does not wonder.

The flying of birds remind us that, if we truly follow our hearts, we to know freedom. With this our soul can soar to heights beyond our wildest imaginations.

Three truths in Zen.

What will be, will be.
Things are as they need to be.
All we ever have control over in how we choose to respond in any given moment.

On Destiny

You can look...and you will find it. You can not look...and you will find it. That which is yours will surely come to you! (Zen Cards)

As we awaken to who we really are, we rediscover our inner relatedness to everything. In this we heal our feelings of isolation. Then we no longer hate something in others, without it reflecting in someway to how we feel about ourselves.

Peace and Growth
All the gun's of humanity will not save us from having to develop our Buddha Christ mind.

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