Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sri Lankan widower breastfeeds his babies

COLOMBO: A 38-year-old Sri Lankan man, whose wife had died three months ago, appears to have the ability to breastfeed his two infant daughters, doctors said on Wednesday. The man, from the central town of Walapone, lost his wife during childbirth."My eldest daughter refused to be fed with powdered milk liquid in the feeding bottle. I was so moved one evening and to stop her crying I offered my breast. I then realised that I was capable of breastfeeding her," the man admitted.Dr Kamal Jayasinghe, deputy director of a Sri Lankan government hospital, was quoted as saying it was possible for men to produce milk if the prolactine hormone became hyperactive.

Fact: Men Can Breastfeed

Are you really a committed father? Though boys and men have nipples, many are unaware that they also have mammary glands. Usually there is so little mammary tissue that it is unnoticeable. However, if a man develops abnormally large mammary glands (a condition called gynecomastia), it can cause secretion of milk as well. The phenomenon of male lactation in humans has become more common in recent years due to the use of medications that stimulate a man's mammary glands.

Under the appropriate hormonal stimulus, that nature provides to human females when they become pregnant and give birth, the mammary glands of human males can also produce milk. The volume of milk produced is low relative to that of a lactating female. Male lactation is most commonly caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer. Female hormones are used to slow the production of cancerous prostate tissue, but the same hormones also stimulate the mammary glands. Male-to-female transsexuals may also produce milk due to the hormones they take to reshape their bodies. It can occasionally be a side effect of antipsychotic medication. Marijuana use is also thought by some to be a possible cause; however, published data is contradictory.Male lactation has, in some cases, commenced without hormonal treatments as well. Extreme stress combined with demanding physical activity and a shortage of food has also been known to cause male lactation. The phenomenon was first studied in survivors of the liberated Nazi concentration camps after World War II. Some American POWs returning from the Korean and Vietnam Wars also experienced male lactation. What's more, this article was published in The Mercury newspaper on October 30, 2002:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Swedish Man Is Trying to Lactate

A man in Sweden is using a breast pump every three hours in the hopes that he'll start producing milk from his moobs. Ragnar Bengtsson of Stockholm is trying to train his body to lactate. Although milkable men are not without precedent, male lactation usually only occurs when hormone treatments are involved; Ragnar's trying to go au naturale, which he says could be a "real breakthrough."
Ragnar has pledged to keep pumping away because "important for men's ability to get much closer to their children at an early stage" ... even if it means exposing himself during classes at Stockholm University, where he is a full-time student. (Well, we guess that's one way to get popular.)According to professor of endocrinology quoted in "The Milkman," a documentary show that will follow the ("Meet the Parents"-inspired?) quest, it might actually be possible for him to make "a drop or two." In other words, just enough to taunt a baby.

Comments Posted:


RE: You spelled perfect wrong.

RE: The lord is around the corner!!! Your gonna reap what u sow!!! this is not what god inteaded men to do?? giving birth, and now breastfeeding, nasty I agree!! god will judge u!! beware.

RE: Obviously a man wanting to get close to his child means the world is coming to an end. There is nothing in your bible that says that men can not feed there children. Unless King james removed that sentence too.

RE: nasty nasty men!

RE: This man is out of his mind, and probably shouldn't be raising a child in the first place, you can bond with a child other than having the child suck from a nipple that provides nothing! Ass

RE: Like a soother? hmmmm..... daddy's skin as a soother? Kids have a need to suck. Why not let them bond with Daddy.I'd be glad to say "Your turn! Baby just ate and only needs to suck."

RE: I think it is perfectly natural to make yourself lactate. I have been taking hormones to make myself lactate. I have 7 kids and have breast fed them all. I dont think any one of them is messed up. I have also nursed a few baby squirrels back to health and they are scampering around my yard.

RE: if you honestly think that's normal,then dude you got a serious problem.

RE: Wow, you know there is such thing, of a women pumping, then putting it into a bottle, for the father to feed it!!!??? DUH!! BONDING!! Poor little kid!!

RE: I really hope to GOD that you are joking!?!?!?!?!? This isn't natural.

RE: I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...

RE: You're kidding right?

RE: sick pervert, your probably getting off on it....nasty cochino

RE: Freddie, I think you need a little help! Well just not a little.

RE: That is straight up NASTY. What in the hades is he doiong??

RE: So basically your saying this is a double standard and women can do this all they want to while a man can have no natural way to provide or his children. That kind of thinking is exactly what is wrong with the world today. If people would just open there minds and let people try things that actually help there children then let them do it, instead of bashing them like caring or there child is a bad thing.

RE: I the only one thinking that there is seriously something wrong going on here? Why do you think WOMEN were born to grow BREASTS??? There is no 'natural' way for a man to feed their child, because it is UNnatural!!! Yeah, you can pump yourself full of fake woman hormones, but that doesn't mean it is your 'natural' right to do so. Just take a look at the animal world...any of those males whinging and moaning because their litter isn't suckling? And as for squirrels....oh my goodness, what a bunch of idiots.

RE: I think the point is that if men were suppose to breast feed, they would lactate. They would not need unnatural hormones to make this this happen. God created women with all of the hormones necessary and the milk ducts and glands to be able to do this because that is how it is suppose to be. How arrogent of people to think that they know better than God's design and plan. God gave men and women each a very important role in a childs life from birth, and it is wrong to try to change that role because you think it is a better way.

RE: Ok, for starters, you all are talking about animals not doing this and it's unnatural, well I hate to break it to you but many species of animals have reversed roles and the males take care of the littlers, also many speicies will switch roles when necessary. Some animals even changes sexes is needed. Two how many women complain that if they brest feed then their childrens fathers get off easy and don't do anything b/c they're the ones who always have to get up in the middle of the night. No one says anything about the women giving birth to their own grandchildren, or their own siblings. Their are worse things happening to children all over the world and you people are worrying about this?

RE: i hope that he can do it. it would be wonderful and beautiful, and truly a miracle.a sign that things don't always have to be the way they are normally percieved. i wish him the very best of luck.

RE: hahahahahaha I can't stop laughing! This is flippin crazy! I loved the part about him possible having to expose himself (to nurse) in college and being popular... funny stuff.... hey, if he can do why not! I've breast fed all 3 of my kids and what it does to the breast tissue, well he can have it all. saggy moobs and enlarged nipples....

RE: hello internet comrades,

although i have not admitted this to any REAL HUMANS before, after reading this story i feel as though it is time for me to share my story.three years ago, i found a family of mice in my cellar, abandoned by their mother. when i saw their poor faces, i knew it was my duty to nurse them. i began to pump the fluid from my breasts, and when they grew older, they were able to suck right from my breast. it was a beautiful experience and i recommend it to any and all of my fellow males.god bless, harold.

RE: I don't know what is funnier - this article or the comments that have been made about it. Do you people really truly take yourselves this seriously? If so, it is not this man's child I am worried least the baby has a dad whose heart is in the right place, even if he is certifiable. I would rather have a crazy (yet loving) parent than one with absolutely no sense of humor, personally.

RE: This is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen, Shame on the publishers who are advertising this to the world, shame on the people who are making money from this, this should not be publicised as this invasive to this child. What about the welfare of this child, social services need to step in here. What is this world coming too.

RE: I think it's interesting.It made me laugh because when I had my seconed child my husben was holding him without his shirt and our son tried to suck on his man boob.He was only a week or so when that happened.I didn't breastfeed for health reasons.I laughed histericaly.I think what the Swedish man is having courage to do something that most men wouldn't do.It's interesting due to that he wants to have that "bond"-the maternail bond with his child.Watch family guy where Peter goes to a Women's Retreat and comes back acting like a women.He even tries to breast feed Stewie.People might laugh out loud when they see it.At least try to have some humor and have an open mind.

RE: Calm Yourselves down. If a man wants to get closer to his child, why should we stop him. And for all the religious people trying to make this a sin against God, this is the formal theological teaching of Morality of Human Actions:- Look at the object:- feeding a child human milk = moral- Look at the intention:- getting closer to his child = moral- Together action is MORALSo please don't pull the religion card if you DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT YOUR FAITH BELIEVES IN- i know my faith is based on a loving God, and in NO way would God look down on His creation that is celebrating His gift of life.

RE: What if he is a single father who wants his child to have natural milk? It is possible for men to breastfeed, but only under stressful conditions such as lack of milk. Think widowers in Africa. my husband can breastfeed the child, I'd be more than happy to take turns with him. I won't lie, but it H U R T S. I'll keep feeding, but if there's another wet nurse, I'd be dumb to not jump at the opportunity haha!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Fasting

Sept. 24th 2009 10 am

Thank you for all the endless support you all have given me in the past. After I rested and started prayer and meditating this morning what came to me I wanted to ritually fast for the next few days for clarity and to give gratitude. I'm meditating and abstaining from the following. No: Meat, Sugar, TV, Music, Talking, Sex, Phone, with only limited texting and e-mail response. Not sure when it may end. However, Markandeya feel free to contact me at anytime.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gratitude Will Get You Everywhere!

There are always divine forces working through our lives for the betterment of the common good of all. Sometimes it simply takes us stepping out of the way so these unseen forces can fully manifest. In doing so we are allowing them to bestow their greatest gifts to us. I am learning that through my willingness to surrender, trust and heart felt deep gratitude we can all have a better life, even more then we can possibly imagine. If we can simply let go and let God. It is here I am truly humbled and I give my deepest gratitude!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
By Nelson Mandela